US Marijuana Party

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Armed & Famous

Armed & Famous - Wikipedia

Least Surprising News of the Day - Balko
MUNCIE — The city’s SWAT team, along with celebrity cops and camera crews from Armed & Famous, broke into the wrong home during a search for two fugitives and kept an innocent woman handcuffed for 30 minutes, according to legal documents.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Meth Song

Meth Song - wikipedia

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Why I fled George Bush's war

What happened to make a patriotic, gung-ho soldier desert the U.S. army, and turn against the war in Iraq. EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT

Feb 7, 2007
Maclean's Canada

Special Response Group trains on taking down the worst of the worst

By Patrick McCreless
Alex City Outlook

"There's three objectives ... speed, surprise and violence of action," Morris said. "The SWAT Team isn't dealing with your average Joe Schmoe citizen. They deal with violent offenders."

Alexander City, Alabama, population 15,008

"Our three main weapons are fear, surprise and ruthless efficiency."
Monty Python
Spanish Inquisition sketch