Marshalltown woman appeals sentence on drug charges
Marshalltown Times Republican, IA
A Marshalltown woman convicted on several drug possession charges after police were tipped off to drugs in the home by her middle-school aged son has appealed her sentence.
Sheila McCalley, 34, was sentenced earlier this month to a year in jail, with all but 40 days of that sentence suspended.
One of her sons, who found the marijuana pipe, testified he hid it in his birdhouse to keep it safe after he recognized it. That recognition came from DARE classes he participated in.
Marshall County Attorney Paul Crawford said at the time of sentencing that he was pleased with the sentence imposed, though he had asked for a slightly longer period of incarceration. He noted that McCalley has never admitted guilt or accepted responsibility for the crime.
He also believes that may be her motivation now.
"The appeal has the effect of staying/freezing the judge's sentencing order. Sheila does not have to report to serve her jail time or her halfway house placement as originally ordered," Crawford said. "This is another way for Sheila to try and avoid, or at least delay, accepting responsibility for her behavior."
If the appeals court upholds her sentencing, she will ultimately be required to serve the original sentence imposed.
McCalley's convictions include child endangerment and three counts of drug possession.
I went drifting
Through the capitals of tin
Where men can't walk
Or freely talk
And sons turn their fathers in
Never believe a politician who claims to be pro-family. The state is jealous of the citizens primary loyalty and is therefore inherently anti-family.
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I'm leaving this comment all over. I'm hoping to track this poll tomorrow...
Feel free to pass along...
thehim, at 6:08 PM
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