US Marijuana Party

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Anti-gay Sheriff NAILED!!

Marshall County Alabama Sheriff's Department

Sheriff: Mac Holcomb
425 Blount Avenue
Guntersville, AL 35976
Phone: (256) 582-2034
Fax: (256) 571-7774

I am proud to be an American and that I was fortunate enough to be born in Alabama. The state that has its motto "We dare defend our rights". I was raised in era, the 1940's as a child and the 1950's as a teenager, which I remember with great affection.

During this era, love of God, family, and country abounded. Men were men and women were women and there was no mistaking which was which. Both were proud of their individual roles. Homosexuality was very queer and a despicable act… an abomination.

During this era, those parents that owned televisions didn't have to worry that their children might be subjected to filth on television such as nudity, the use of God's name in vain, and other profanity because it was unheard of. Parents could allow their children to go to a movie without having to screen it first because the good guy always wore the white hats. (does he mean the Klan with that statement)
There was no question who the "Good Guy" was. Even the "Bad Guy" in the movie didn't use foul language. During this era our nation had a conscience including the television and movie industry.

Children's school days started with the recitation of the "Lord's Prayer" and the "Pledge of Allegiance" to the flag of the United States of America.

It was a shame to break the law. Convicts worked our roadways in unmistakable clothing (black and white prisoner uniforms that clearly identified them as convicts). Their rights were to be sentenced to jail at hard labor as retribution to the victims and their crimes.

The "Ten Commandments" were proudly displayed as a reminder that the real Commander in Chief and Final Judge is God and that this nation was founded on Judeo/Christian principal. Neighbors helped each other instead of jumping at the chance to file a lawsuit.

A man's word was his bond. My word and bond to you, the citizens of Marshall County, is to do my very best to devote all my energy to do my part to return our society to the values that we once held dear. (sounds like you could possibly be rewarded for killing a gay person in Marshall County)

Please join me. I need your help. Our children deserve no less.

Mac Holcomb
Marshall County Alabama--------------------

Yee Haw!!!
A good look at the typical sheriff and cop mentality in this lovely state of mine.
Good thing they didn't find a "Gay Studs" magazine along with the CC or the accused would have been shot on sight with their own gun and bullets!!!!!!


Ha this asshole got nailed on his anti-gay views.
From Liberty Flash

The anti-homosexual statement of Marshall County (AL) Sheriff Mac Holcomb has been removed from the official county website, and a similar version has been posted at Holcomb’s personal site. Contrary to media accounts, the wording of the letter has been modified, presumably to counter criticisms of potentially racist views and to remove clear inconsistencies with reality. Holcomb is reported to have issued a press release stating that the letter would be moved.

Holcomb had placed a statement on the public county website extolling people to return to the values of the 40s and 50s. A quote from both the original and new version of the statement includes:

“During this era, love of God, family, and country abounded. Men were men and women were women and there was no mistaking which was which. Both were proud of their individual roles. Homosexuality was very queer and a despicable act… an abomination.”

According to various news reports, Holcomb has received significant national protest about this letter. The protest began when Anniston, AL native Don Hunter, now a deputy administrator for Marin County, CA, complained to the sheriff last month. Various websites, including this one, picked up the cause, and Holcomb and other Marshall County officials have been bombarded with telephone calls and e-mails since then. Holcomb defended his placement of the letter in a local paper, from which an excerpt reads:

“I am not tolerant of behaviors which destroy individuals, families and our culture. After all, traditional values are based upon biblical foundations and principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.”

Holcomb’s critics asked questions like: “Why does he want our values to move back to a time when crosses burned across Alabama and religion was only free if you happen to be a fundamentalist Christian?” Holcomb responded by slipping a new paragraph into the new version of his old letter which reads:

“Every generation has its flaws. In this era, racism was one of them. Regrettably racism has not been completely eradicated in the South or the rest of the country. Fortunately, today we have black leaders in some of the highest positions in government of which I have the utmost respect.”

He also modified clauses such as:

“During this era, those parents that owned televisions didn’t have to worry that their children might be subjected to filth on television such as nudity, the use of God’s name in vain, and other profanity because it was unheard of.”

to now read:

“During this era, those parents that owned televisions didn’t have to worry that their children might be subjected to filth on television such as nudity, pornography, the use of God’s name in vain and other profanity because society considered it a shame.”

This removes the criticism that “nudity, the use of God’s name in vain, and other profanity” were unheard of in the 40s and 50s.

Holcomb also inserted this paragraph:

“Make no mistake about it; we are at war for the preservation of morality. There are evil forces that are hard at work to steal the hearts and minds of our precious children. We stood idly by and let one woman mount a crusade that took God out of our children’s school classroom. It is crucial that we win this war against the decadence that is invading our country today.”

In order to protect the integrity of the original document, this author has permanently saved the Yahoo search engine’s cached version of the original letter, as well as the current wording on Holcomb’s site.

Disclaimer: Being half-Jewish (although a practicing Christian) , I remember seething with anger when being forced to recite the Lord’s Prayer as a child in Alabama public schools. This anger was perhaps the catalyst for my first conscious realization of how grownups, teachers, government, and other authority figures try to impose their moral will, by force of law, on others.

It is my belief that he has every right to his personal views, but not to impose those views on others or to use instruments of government to promote them. Additionally, Holcomb’s prejudicial attitude does not instill faith that he will act in a just manner with respect to homosexuals in his community, which is an irresponsible position for any public servant to take.

I consider the removal of the letter to a more appropriate location to be reason for the libertarian in all of us to celebrate.

It's neat that I was on this story months before the national media picked up on it.

FYI, Marti Taylor moved to a different part of the state and she has not contacted me to let me know what happened at her trial.

Marti....if you are reading this give me a call and let me know how things turned out.


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