US Marijuana Party

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Chief says war means fewer police recruits in Shreveport area

The Associated Press

Shreveport, LA - The war in Iraq and the military's stop-loss policy - keeping enlisted men and women in uniform past their active-duty obligation during wartime - has reduced the number of applicants seeking local police jobs, police chief Mike Campbell says.

"It has hurt us," Campbell said last week. "We get a lot of good potential recruits from the military."

Trauma of Iraq war haunting thousands on return home

By William M. Welch
USA Today

Post-traumatic stress was defined in 1980, partly based on the experiences of soldiers and victims of war.

It produces a wide range of symptoms in men and women who have experienced a traumatic event that provoked intense fear, helplessness or horror.

The events are sometimes re-experienced later through intrusive memories, nightmares, hallucinations or flashbacks, usually triggered by anything that symbolizes or resembles the trauma. Troubled sleep, irritability, anger, poor concentration, hypervigilance and exaggerated responses are often symptoms.


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