Mother of brain dead inmate questions authorities

Jacksonville, FL - Months ago, Duval County jail inmate John Laughon wound up hospitalized and in a vegetative state after a series of events within the jail that have Laughon’s family members asking questions.
"I want someone to investigate these people," Ginger Laughon, John’s mother, says of the authorities in charge during the incident.
John’s attorney, Sean Cronin, says the 39 year old is now in a permanent vegetative state. They say the man who made a living getting houses ready for hurricanes was serving six months in jail on a marijuana charge.
His mother says he needed seizure medication and believes he didn't get it.
"While he was in jail he called his mom and said he was not provided with his necessary medication," says Cronin.
Cronin says the lack of medication made Laughon combative, and he was transported to the hospital.
Laughon was found by a nurse, face down and without a pulse. A further investigation revealed Laughon sustained nine broken ribs, collapsed lungs, and a closed head injury.
Cronin says a lack of oxygen caused his severe brain injury, and that he is now comatose and clinically brain dead.
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