US Marijuana Party

Monday, July 03, 2006

Inhalants: the New, Convenient High for Kids and Teens

University of Michigan Health System

Newswise — This is your brain on shoe polish? Or maybe hairspray, air freshener or glue?

For years, the popular TV commercial with fried eggs and the slogan "This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs" worked to discourage conventional drug use among young Americans.

But today children and teens are finding new, inexpensive and more convenient ways to get high by using products – found under the kitchen sink or in the bathroom of their homes – that are just as harmful and potentially deadly as drugs like marijuana, cocaine and heroine. In fact, about 10 to 15 percent of youth have reported using inhalants at some point in their life to get high.

“Parents are often not aware that kids are using inhalants like cleaning fluids, shoe polish and glue to get high because the signs of abuse are often subtle. Plus, these products don’t fit in with traditional thinking about what constitutes drug abuse,” says David Rosen, M.D., MPH, chief of adolescent medicine in the Department of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases at the University of Michigan Health System.

So there you have it, folks. Sniffing glue can be "just as harmful and potentially deadly as drugs like marijuana".


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