US Marijuana Party

Sunday, January 15, 2006

The Free State Project Seeks The First 1000

Concord NH (PRWEB) January 15, 2006 -- The Free State Project announced today the launch of The First 1000 program, a program designed to speed the migration of liberty lovers to the state of New Hampshire.

The Free State Project, begun in 2001 as the brainchild of Dr. Jason Sorens, is committed to getting 20,000 individuals to agree to move to New Hampshire where they will work to bring about a society in which government’s maximum role is protecting life, liberty, and property. There are almost 7,000 signers to that commitment.

Already, over 100 individuals have moved to New Hampshire as part of their commitment to the Free State Project. But signers are not obligated to move until 20,000 have signed up. Now, the Free State Project is challenging its participants and other freedom oriented individuals to move to New Hamsphire sooner.

“We want to create a beacon for liberty in New Hampshire,” said Varrin Swearingen, FSP director and Vice President. “Those of us who have already moved have seen what a difference just a few people can make. We want to see for ourselves, and show the rest of the world, what 1,000 can do.”

Ian Bernard, an FSP participant, long time supporter, and host of the Free Talk Live radio program ( is promoting the challenge. Ian challenges 999 other freedom oriented individuals to commit to a move to the Free State by the end of 2008. The pledge terminates at the end of this year.

While the Free State Project has no official agenda other than encouraging libertarian activists to move to New Hampshire, participants are expected to work toward reducing government in the areas they care most about. Some examples of issues being championed by individual activists include fighting the exploitation of eminent domain by private interests, decriminalizing marijuana possession, and increasing educational freedom.

For more information about this, see


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